Women Wednesday: Power

Hi Ladies!

I can't believe its already Wednesday, I feel like it was JUST Wednesday (of last week). It's certainly crazy how time flies. Anyway for today's Women Wednesday post I want to talk about something we all know and love: POWER. Unfortunately as much joy having power gives a single person, we don't always utilize it to our best ability. And dare I say, I believe there are some out there that don't believe they DESERVE the power.

Well, first of all, you're totally wrong, you and I deserve all the power just like the next he or she in line. Secondly, why? Why do you feel like you don't deserve it? Is it because there is a man in your life (personally or work related) that you think deserves it more? Is it because you don't think you're good enough to have all the power? Maybe it't because you're afraid of what will happen when you get the power. Well, I am here right now to tell you to throw all of that garbage in the trash because YOU ARE ENOUGH. There are so many different components of being powerful, and I bet you're already more powerful than you thought!

Did you know there are multiple types of power?

First you have formal power. This consists of coercive, reward and legitimate power.

  • Coercive is basically when someone is utilizing their power in a threatening way (mostly in the workplace). Have you ever had a boss that told you if you don't do X you will be replaced? That's coercive power.
  • Reward is exactly what it sounds like "If you meet your goals this month you will be given a raise."
  • Legitimate power comes when someone has an actual position of power within an organization. These people are legitimately in charge.

Secondly, you have personal power which consists of expert and referent.

  • Expert exists when an individual has experience, skills or knowledge. The more you know about a specific subject or matter, the more powerful you becoming when engaging with others about that subject!
  • Referent comes with being trusted and respected. Think about that, simply being a trusted and respected human being brings power into your life.

Power can be implemented in so many forms and so many aspects of life. Work, relationships, family, personal, and the list goes on! If you're ever having a down day and just need to feel a little more powerful, think of these 5 different forms of power. And really think about how you can implement one of these into your every day lives. Maybe that't simply reading up on a subject that you're really passionate about and sharing that information with family and friends. And if none of these make sense in your life... make your own kind of powerful!


Sexy Saturday: Benefits to Having an Orgasm

Hi Ladies!

So I don't think that I need to convince any of you to bump up your sex drive. It's natural to most of us to feel the urge every now and then (or every day, no judgement here.) And why not? It fun. and not to mention, it feels pretty amazing. But I'm here to give you an even better reason to get busy more often than not: having an orgasm will help to improve your health. Yes, you read that correctly.

When you have an orgasm your brain releases oxytocin, aka the pleasure hormone. In addition, up to 30 different parts of the brain are activated, including those responsible for emotion, touch, joy, satisfaction and memory.

I have listed 11 ways (that I found on Huffington Post) having an orgasm can make your life that much better!

  1. Orgasms relieve stress
  2. An orgasm could make your significant other less likely to cheat
  3. The female orgasm could make men focus better
  4. Orgasms could help with insomnia
  5. A man’s orgasm could (maybe) make a woman less depressed
  6. Orgasms help alleviate pain
  7. They could help men get over their colds faster
  8. Steady orgasms could help you live longer
  9. Orgasms will also stimulate your brain
  10. Orgasms could keep you looking young
  11. They just get better as you age

So basically, if you're stressed, can't sleep, sick or just want to stay looking young forever.... have an orgasm!

xoxo Meghan

Choosing Your Wedding Photographer

Brace yourself..... it's a long one....

Anyone can build a pretty web site, buy a fancy camera and post a few "lucky" shots in their portfolio. Consistency is KEY. With the professional camera's out on the market and easily obtainable by anyone who has the money, make sure your wedding photographer knows how to use their camera and knows what they're talking about. Ask them if they shoot manual mode, aperture, shutter or automatic. You'll be surprised in how many "photographers" shoot fully automatic(they may not admit to this), which means you could give a nice camera to a guest and they'll produce the same images. There will always be a few bad seeds that give photography (or any career) a bad name, these seeds are in it for the money, not for the art. What's the point in spending your life savings on a gown, flowers, center pieces, a cake, a DJ, etc if you don't have the professional images to capture it?

Be confident in your decision. Micromanaging your photographer will cramp their style and creativity. Do not choose a photographer because they're "ok" (and in your budget)and think you can mold them into the photographer you really wish you could afford. It won't happen, there's a reason why their images aren't up to par with the better photographer.

I get the "you want me to do what?" look all the time, but once the image is captured it's usually the pick of the litter. You've hired us because you like our style and feel it suits yours. You've hired us because you like our "out side of the box" approach and creativity. We are open for suggestions and will always ask if you have any additional poses or shots in mind, we aren't asking that this turn into OUR wedding. But you chose us for a reason.

A photographers personality carries just as much weight as the images they produce. If you do not feel a connection with the photographer, you will not feel a connection to their images. Price shopping is a bad idea. Finding a photographer that you feel inspired by and in aw of is the right idea. Search through local web sites until your eyes can no longer stay open. When you find it, you'll know. Just like your wedding dress, a photographer requires the perfect fit.

It is your job, as a bride, to research your vendors. Obviously you need to 'like' their work, but does the photographer make it easy for you to get a hold of them? Do they promptly answer your emails and phone calls and do they answer all your questions without having to ask again? If they post a wedding on their calendar how long is it before sneak peaks are posted?

Being in the wedding industry we tend to think of questions you may not have. The above is what is most important to me, if I were to choose a photographer. The below Q&A are more frequently asked and just as important.

Experience Level - We've photographed several weddings, we're very creative and try to bring something new to each wedding. I work fulltime as a paramedic and have a very flexible schedule! At this time I photograph on a part time basis.

Photographic Style - Our style is a mix between photojournalism, formal, classic and candid. We have examples of each style to show you and we will shoot which ever style you prefer. We offer both color and b&w photos.

Truth in Advertising - When we arrange a meeting with you it will consist of myself and possibly my second shooter. We will be the photographers working for you. We do not believe in sending a company rep to meet and smooze you and have a totally different person show up the day of your wedding. We do not come with any surprises.

Personality - We are very laid back, but business oriented. We have not found it difficult to work with any bride, whether your a bridezilla or not! (Kidding!)

Price Range - We are upfront and honest with all our prices. There are no hidden fees. We will work with you to meet your budget, but unfortunately can only work with you to a certain extent. The price of your package will be included on your booking proposal and you can choose to accept or reject the price.

Delivery - At this time we are guaranteeing your DVD of images 15 days following your wedding. After choosing your prints we will submit your order and delivery will take 2-3 weeks. Albums are custom made for each client and usually take 4-8 weeks for delivery.

Offering - We offer four premade packages and a "build your own" option. We have several add-ons that can be added to any package. We also offer custom packages to suit your budget and your needs. What you see is what you get, we do not change the product type or cost after the booking proposal is accepted.

Contract - All the obligations of Mirrored Images and the client are addressed in the contract. Our contract is very thorough and outlines all the "what-ifs". If you feel something needs to be added to the contract please email us your request and following approval, it will be added and a new contract sent. As I've said before, there are no hidden agendas or fees.

What about deposits and payments? In the unlikely event that Mirrored Images is not able to attend your wedding but a contract has been signed, another photographer will be sent at no additional charge to the client. This is outlined in the contract.

References - We have plenty! Personal & Business references are available upon request. However, if you click on the "real life" tab of our web site you'll be able to read a few that we have posted.

Do you have an assistant? We believe an additional photographer brings more to your wedding then an assistant would. Double the pictures, right?!

Do you have backup equipment and is it the same quality as the primary equipment? Yes! We have backup lenses and camera bodies!

What time will you begin and how long will you stay until? We come when you ask us to and stay until you leave, or until the time booked ends.

When will the proofs be ready? We offer sneak peaks which are posted on the blog and facebook. These will be posted within one week of your wedding date. We also offer proof books which take 2-3 weeks for delivery.

Do you mark your proofs? Yes

Where and how are your proofs marked? Bottom right corner of every image.

How much extra for unmarked proofs? We do not currently offer this option

Do you have tele-photo and wide-angle lenses? Yes, both

Do you work well with the other vendors? We work well with everyone! We like to network with other vendors so we can share our experiences with our future brides.

Can you work from a photo checklist that we create? We will provide you with a questionnaire that you can choose from and add your own.

How will you be dressed? We wear formal to semi-formal clothing at all weddings, unless the couple has asked we dress a different way.

Do you process and develop your own film and prints? We shoot all digital! We post process all our images and a local lab prints.

Thanks for taking the time to read our FAQ's! If you have any additional questions please contact us!


Weekend Overview

Whew!  What a weekend.  When we weren't shooting we were eating, sleeping or editing.  But I have to admit I loved every second of it.  We had zero cancellations and after seeing the images from each session I am so happy for that!

All my sneak peaks are posted on the blog and facebook!  Go on over to Eric's blog and check for his images from the sessions.  Thanks again to Eric for being a trooper; even though he wanted to be in Alaska all weekend we did our job and our clients are very happy.   (The heat was BAD!)

We've received two testimonials back so far, here's what they're saying....

"Amy and I could not be happier with the way the shots came out. Jenn and Eric definitely captured the 'timeless' feeling that we were looking for. Amy and I tend to be pretty photogenic as it is, but shooting with Jenn and Eric really brought our personalities out and it is definitely portrayed in the pictures.  During the shoot Amy and I were made to feel very comfortable and natural. We were definitely given just the right amount of direction to capture that playful nature that both Amy and I have in our daily lives. The end result came out far better than I could have imagined. Amy and I could not be happier with the final result."-- Danny + Amy

"Jenn and Eric met up with Evan and I, behind Island water sports in downtown Lake worth. I loved how well they communicated with Evan, and he had alot of fun posing for the camera. It was brutally hot outside so I was stoked that they got a bunch of shots in less than an hour. What I loved the most is that Jenn didn't hesitate to get down in the dirt to get the shots she wanted. And the best part is every single picture looks amazing. Thanks again!"-- Melinda

A few of my weekend fav's:


Matt + Lisa:: Engaged! {City Place, WPB}

Tonight is the last night we're in Florida, for now.  After rain and thunder all day we were afraid we'd have to cancel Matt and Lisa's e-session.  But, the skies turned blue and we set out to photograph one last couple.  My favorite from the shoot is Matt playing golf while Lisa sun bathes.  That picture says a thousand words, each of them were doing something they loved and we captured it in one shot.  We stayed to play on the golf course for a few extra shots and raced to City Place in West Palm Beach to finish the session off before the we lost the sun.

Sneak peaks:


Danny + Amy:: Engaged! {Atlantic Ave}

Tonight we met with a wonderful couple, Danny & Amy.  They've recently become engaged while on a trip to Orlando, Florida.  They're such a beautiful couple; you can feel the love they have for each other by just being around them.

We started the session on train tracks and after a quick outfit change we headed downtown Delray Beach to Atlantic Ave, one of their favorite places to hang out.  Eric and I could have, and would have, shot Danny & Amy all night if the sun would have stayed up.  There are so many great locations and unique ideas we had to put on hold for now, but we also got a lot of great shots tonight.  (We even took a short break for a few skating shots :) ) Danny and Amy congratulations on your engagement and thank you for allowing us to be a part of your journey.  You compliment each other well and it's nice to see Danny so happy ;)

Now it's time for the sneak peaks!


Update: Wedding Packages

July 1, 2010 I will introduce our new wedding packages.  Any weddings signed prior to that date will have the option to use our current packages.

The packages will continue to include our amazing Dream Albums & Dream Boxes.  These products are just too perfect to give up!  We are also adding a destination package for all you travelers.  I'm 100% positive  this will be a welcomed change and I am looking forward to posting all the details! ( Oh yeah, new packages means new brochures!  Fun, flirty and of course fabulous! )

One more development:  Eric Mack is now my primary second shooter.  His style + my style = harmony and there's no reason to mess with harmony, right?  :) Our work flow and ideas work well together.  In the event that he is already booked I have several wonderful photographers to call upon.

Stay tuned!

A little bit of this … A little bit of that …

My last two trips to Florida were selfish and I didn't do any sessions(But, we're allowed to be selfish sometimes... right?)!  I am planning a trip back down from May 21 to May 25 and I already have two lined up.  I will come fully prepared with lighting equipment for indoor shoots because we all know and love Florida's predictable weather! (Not) .... Book now or wait because this will be the last trip down there for a while. (Three trips in two months?  Seriously? .... I'm so lucky! )

EMP and I are collaborating for some crazy, insane newborn sessions.  My session yesterday inspired me to go after newborns and we've come up with some great ideas, props and prices!  Contact me to find out about the promotion.  We'd like to have newborns under 4 weeks but we're not too picky!

On another note, the charity bachelor & bachelorette auction scheduled for May 20th is lacking support.  We have two participants but we were shooting for 15!  I have talked to several people who have been interested but not registered (you know who you are!) So get on it and help us raise funds for our local heroes and their families!  If this event gets canceled there is a STRONG (very strong) possibility the event itself in September will also be canceled.  That will make it two years in a row that have fallen through due to lack of community support.  Please take a moment to go to the web site and read about the event and spread the word to all your friends and family.  www.portraitsforheroes.com and you can register to be in the auction at : http://portraitsforheroes.com/?page_id=96

And finally, I have to thank everyone for the lovely comments and compliments.  Word of mouth has been my best advertisement and I am so blessed and thankful for my clients, friends and family for helping me get this show on the road! <3 You all!